Copyright @ Moonaster Consultancy Ltd.

Solving your IT and DR issues

Moonaster Consultancy Ltd

About Us

We are a small IT consultancy company based near Dublin, Ireland.

Our target markets is Ireland, UK, Norway and Denmark, Sweden  and USA, but we will take on projects anywhere they’ll understand English (or “Scandinavian”).

Our founding consultant; Martin Nygard, has more than 20 years IT mgmt/admin/development experience in private and public sector, from companies and organizations based in Ireland, USA and Scandinavia.   He also has a background in Accounting and a  Master Degree in Business. 


We strive to writhe the world of slow websites, systems and databases.  Computing should be instant, and if it isn’t there is something there that can be improved, a bottleneck that is either hiding or it’s solution is not yet found.  Our advanced approach to monitoring and tuning will make your systems faster, safer and more cost effective.

All this we do to a cost optimized to your needs.

Red tape is the bane of efficiency.  We can tell you how to minimalise it, adjusted for your regulatory requirements.  

With us it’s “function over form” every time.




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